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Endowments & Memorials

Guidance for Memorial Gifts

When the council receives memorial gifts to honor an individual who passed away, those gifts are placed in the council endowment fund to help with the perpetuation Scouting. 

The council properties committee will maintain an annual list of projects that need to be funded.  If a family/next of kin contacts the council prior to any gifts received and wants to fund one of the planned projects instead of the gifts going into the endowment, the council will place those funds in a restricted account for use on the selected project.  If gifts are received before the family/next of kin has made a request to fund an approved project, those funds will remain in the council’s endowment. 

All memorial gifts will be recognized in the monthly e-signals and with letters to the donor and next of kin.

Naming Opportunities at Findlay Service Center

Naming opportunities at the Findlay Service Center follow conditions and giving levels associated with generally accepted practices described with National Council's Major Gifts and Capital Campaign Guidelines. Specific naming opportunities begin at $25,000 and should be discussed with the Scout Executive prior to any organized memorial campaign. Contributions of $1,000 or more qualify for an honoree to become a permanent member of the Council's James E. West Society and all accompanying recognition. You can find the James E. West Fellowship form here.

Naming Opportunities at Camp Berry or Camp Lakota

Gifts of any amount may be designated in honor of a Scouter for use at Camp Berry, Camp Lakota or campership programs. Naming opportunities exist within the following general parameters: specific naming opportunities begin at $25,000 and should be discussed with the Scout Executive prior to any organized memorial campaign.

Endowment Funds of Black Swamp Area Council

General Fund: Contributions placed in this fund produce revenue directed into the operating fund each year by the volunteer Executive Board. For additional planned give resources use this link: www.bsafoundation.org

Camp Maintenance & Improvement Fund: Contributions here go for improvements and maintenance of Council Camps.

Campership Scholarship Fund: Your gift will be designated for the specific purpose of providing future camp scholarships. This program will help our camp staff members continue their college education and allow them to remain as important members of our summer camp staff. You can find the Lorenz Campership Donation form here.


Memorial gifts are placed into a permanent fund maintaining legacy for future generations of Scouts.

How can I help?

You can make a gift designated to any of the Council's Endowment Funds. Your gift can be designated for a specific purpose, like providing a needy camper a scholarship to attend camp, or to any fund described within. As an endowed gift, your contribution will provide support not only for today, but also for future generations of area youth camp and other needs.

How can I make a gift?

Just complete the gift information form. Select the gift level of your choice and return the form to the Black Swamp Area Council. Gifts can be made in cash, check and credit card or with marketable securities. Special payment plans can also be arranged.

Gifts of $1,000 or more qualify for the National BSA James E. West Fellowship recognition.

Gifts made to the Council Memorial Program may qualify for recognition for either the donors or the posthumous recipient.


For more information, contact the Black Swamp Area Council, Planned Giving Department at (419) 422-4356 ext. 112


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356